Wednesday, 11 September 2013


  1. Dim the light if possible

  2. Lower your voice

  3. Teach the child to breath deeply 10 at a times he is calm. Do it together when needed

  4. Be sure the child isn’t overheated-remove a sweater or bring near air conditioner or fan

  5. Change where the child is located. For example. In a shopping mall, he may need to go to a quiet area where there is little to look at.

  6. Offer the child a bear hug, cuddle or rhythmically and firmly rub his back or press downwards on this shoulder.

  7. Give the child water or something to suck on like a hard candy. Crunchy food like goldfish crackers can also soothe as can oral comfort item like a ‘chewy’

  8. Bring the child to a less busy part of the room for a few minutes- not as punishment, but to enable the child to self-regulate.

  9. Let the child listen to calming music using headphones.

  10. Take the child to a “cozy corner” to relax. This space may have a bean-bag chair, soft lighting and a book or soft toy to enjoy until he regroups.

  11. Have the child sit in a rocking chair or bouncing on a ball chair.

  12. Help the child do wall push-ups or chair push-ups.

  13. Provide a hand fidget like a koosh ball, provided the child does not throw it.

  14. Take child outdoors for a few minutes to jump around and get the wiggles out-or have him climb up and down stairs.

  15. Repeat a soothing phrases over and over such as “it will be  okay” or “everything is alright”

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